PIXEL Garden Initiative


The social and economic effects of climate change and environmental degradation.

Our Gardens

A single garden may be small but added to all the gardens in our community it becomes a huge area accounting for 28% of the urban landmass.

The Pixel Trinity

Kinsfisher hub encourages and supports the individual household to transform their domestic garden and space for climate action, biodiversity and food security.

Climate Action

  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Carbon capture


  • Nature nourishing plants
  • Habitats

Food Security

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Conservation
  • Barter & Exchange

Our Pilot Pixel Gardens

Spread across our community and commencing in April 2024 there are 22 Pilot Pixel Gardens being developed by their dedicated gardeners. The gardens and spaces are typical of our urban environment and include front gardens, back gardens, communal lanes, balconies, tiny spaces… all to inspire and showcase what can be done.

100 Pixel Gardens

Can you be inspired? Can you part of the 100?